COPYRIGHTS: Copyright 2017 pimReader. All Rights Reserved. This software may not, in whole or in any part, be copied, reproduced, transmitted, translated (into any language, natural or computer), stored in a retrieval system, reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable format. You are granted a limited license to use this software. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that license, which is described in the following paragraphs. LICENSE: "THE SOFTWARE" shall be taken to mean the software contained in this app and any subsequent versions or upgrades received as a result of having purchased this app. "BUYER" shall be taken as the original purchaser of the software. nBuyer has the non-exclusive right to the use of software only on a single device. Buyer may not electronically transfer the program from one device to another over any type of network. Buyer may not distribute copies of the software or the accompanying documentation to others either for a fee or without charge. Buyer may not modify or translate the program or documentation. User may not disassemble the program or allow it to be disassembled into its constituent source code. Buyer's use of the software indicates his/her acceptance of these terms and conditions. If buyer does not agree to these conditions, return the distribution media, documentation, and associated materials to the vendor from whom the software was purchased, and/or uninstall the software from the device, and erase the software from any and all storage devices upon which it may have been installed. DISCLAIMER / LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Buyer acknowledges that the software may not be free from defects and may not satisfy all of buyer's needs. The software and any accompanying written materials are licensed "AS IS". In no event will pimReader be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or damages resulting from loss of use, or loss of anticipated profits resulting from any defect in the software, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damage. PRIVACY POLICY pimReader does not collect neither personal information not any other data used by pimReader application.